Living in the Rhythm of Nature

Preparing for the change of the year – collect the diamonds. Unearth the pearls and diamonds of the year by first stopping to review the past year. Before the new year and the manifestation of the new year, it is important to first look back. At the same time, it is a gathering of the year’s valuable experiences and lessons and purification for the future. I recommend doing this process well before Christmas. Christmas is already a special time, which turns the gaze more towards the future. You can start this process already in November and Clouse it before the winter solstice, when the days start to get longer and new energy starts to slowly flow.
When you have processed the past year, it is good to bring it to a clean table and create and build something new again. After this process, the foundation for new creation is more stable. You are more ready to plan next year, create and build a good future. I am a coach interested in comprehensive natural well-being and mental skills. I am also interested in the roots of our people. I strive to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. The quality of one’s life relies heavily on interaction. The success of the interaction affects being in working life and its meaning, relationships and relationships with loved ones.
Interaction skills are the basic skills of everyday activities. However, distance learning, remote work and digitization bring an additional challenge to them, which is important to be aware of in order to act in a better self-serving way. Listening, conversation and the skills of being together are practical skills and develop in interaction with another person. So it’s not enough to know what listening or conversation is, you also need to know how to use that skill in everyday moments.
Skill is more than knowledge. It is implemented information. On the other hand, it is possible to be good at interaction skills, without thinking about it analytically or being aware of it. Many may have learned good interaction skills, e.g. By watching their parents’ activities with other people. On the other hand, the parents may also have adopted patterns of action that are not necessarily helpful.
You can reflect on your own interaction background and how you interact in different situations.
It is important to be aware that if almost all meetings take place via the network, the skills of meeting live will slowly deteriorate or cannot be developed. For many, anxiety and panic disorders may be related to socializing and meeting people. Fears often arise from uncertainty. With the encounters, the interaction also comes with certainty and confidence that it will work out. To that extent, the anxiety of social situations can decrease. Fortunately, interaction can also improve and skills can be practiced.