Marketing Sales and Communication
Develop marketing, sales and communication skills, and make your company’s commercial success possible. Customer experience at the center of business and organizational culture is the core of successful commercial strategies and concepts. Also ensure the organization’s ability to measure and develop the effectiveness of marketing and sales with the help of data and technology.
In our training’s, you will strengthen your strategic customer, marketing, sales and communication skills. Open and, if desired, customized entities for your company ensure that you know how to set your goals in line with the organization’s strategy and growth expectations.
The basic concepts of marketing have not changed much over the past decades. Of course, various isms come into the conversation every once in a while, while some are forgotten at the same time. However, digitalization has changed marketing dramatically in the absence of everything else, and the pace of change is increasing exponentially. The impact of marketing has been declining and the field of advertising has faced fundamental changes. However, the proliferation of technologies has revitalized marketing and artificial intelligence has become an everyday marketing tool.
Utilizing the company’s internal market information and data from the market is vital so that the company can identify customers, partners, prospects and competitors. Without the strategic utilization of information, the market cannot be analyzed and interpreted with sufficient intensity. Customer needs are constantly changing. Just listening to the customer and the market is not enough, you have to be able to understand and react to what you hear.
The basic task of marketing and sales is to influence people, whether they are individual consumers or business-to-business customers. From a management point of view, it is essential that the path leading to the purchase decision is at the center of what is being done, sales and marketing must work together to ensure that the message intended for the customer is consistent, regardless of what stage the customer is in the decision-making process at any given time.
Although the basic concepts and tasks of both marketing and sales have not changed, their definitions have. Traditional campaign marketing is thought to push information from the company to the customers through different means. In recent years, content marketing has brought a new dimension to marketing and sales. The terms outbound and inbound marketing are also today’s terminology.
The transition from outbound marketing to inbound marketing emphasizes the importance of customer orientation. Instead of the company focusing on individual, often product-focused marketing campaigns with a short time span, we are now talking about a continuous process and doing things customer. Instead of one-way advertising, companies educate consumers and solve their problems. As a result, we have moved from pushing products to helping, joint dialogue and joint development work (co-creation).