User Friendly Systems

The focus on user-friendliness becomes increasingly important as digitization permeates the entire organization. Another important aspect of the digitization work is to implement user-friendly systems that can work in harmony with the rest of the company. From paper and pencil to advanced systems. As far as possible, choose systems that are easy to use and which at the same time give you all the data and knowledge you need.
Many make the mistake of choosing overly advanced systems, which means that the users of these systems become isolated in terms of knowledge from other parts of the organization. The easier it is for staff to jump between and learn different systems, the more efficient your organization will be.
We have extensive experience in working with microsoft products. Scalability is one of the advantages of working with microsoft. Companies starting a digitization process can easily and cost-effectively implement systems from microsoft and then grow with them. As the organization develops, upgrades with new software or expands server capacity, etc.
How further can help you with digitization
That digitization is high on the agenda of most companies is something that is often repeated in the media and other contexts. Nevertheless, few have started their work, or even developed a strategy for how the digitization is to be carried out.
Further helps to successfully develop your organization’s digital maturity in line with your business strategy. As advisors and executors, we can both support from a strategic perspective and take care of all or parts of the implementation. By bringing in help, the burden on one’s own business does not have to be so great either, and you can often achieve quick positive effects that can contribute to internally motivating continued work. Contact us today to get help shaping your it strategy and planning for the company’s digital development.
Ransomware attacks are a serious and growing cyber threat that can affect anyone and any organization. By understanding what they are, why they are on the rise and how to prevent them, you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim and minimize the damage if you are targeted.
If you want to know more or have help reviewing your IT environment, contact us at further. We can help you with the review of your IT environment, security tests, secure management, as well as consulting support in the design of a disaster recovery plan.