Virtual Work Environment Built

The virtual work environment enables face-to-face meetings. It is the strategy chosen by the company, which brings together the tools, working methods and the company’s culture and factors. A virtual work environment helps employees to do better and more productive work, and customers to get better service in a faster time. The relationship between the remote manager and employees working remotely requires especially trust, community, commitment, effective communication, common operating methods and strong self-direction. Face-to-face meeting is considered important, as it enables open and honest interaction, promotes the creation of trust, reduces misinterpretations, promotes the flow of information and enables monitoring of work and well-being source.
The transition to a virtual work environment should be started well in advance
The virtual work environment aims to promote creativity and productivity with easy work tools, interactive functions and refined processes. Touch screens, i.e. smart screens, and easy-to-use software enable the user to do productive work through various goals and objectives. It is possible to do work from anywhere, on any device and at any time – safely and productively!
Smart boards are more than just a touch screen
Smart board pro touch screens bring work efficiency and productivity to a new level. On the smart screen, you work with your team, even if they are remote around the world. On the smart screen, your team processes, works and shares content in real time with a mobile device, computer and interactive touch screen. Smart technology enables a modern and exciting experience for your customer. With an easy-to-use smart screen, you can conduct team meetings, workshops and training’s, and you can also bring colleagues working remotely and help them participate in the project from anywhere, on any device.
Participating and involving remote workers is easy when the equipment is in order
You can make digital entries directly in the original files and participate employees from their own device also remotely. It is easy to carry out projects within the agreed schedule, when documentation and effective joint development work can be easily managed. With the help of the smart screen, you can make professional, activating, enlivened presentations as well as sales pitches and various training’s without forgetting information security.
Clear and practical tasks and goals help the remote team to achieve their goals. A great addition to working is the meeting application, where each participant can write their own thoughts regardless of the location. Smart already offers applications in the basic solutions, which help diversify the use of the most common tools and software . Instead of staring at the pages of a presentation full of text while one of them delivers a monologue, intermission questions and the resulting additions of comments and observations bring genuine interaction to the presentations. When questions are systematically presented and opinions and ideas are expected, everyone’s attention is better focused on the matter itself. When the entries are made in the original files, saved and distributed immediately to all participants, the next stages of the work can proceed smoothly.